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High-Quality Screen Enclosure for Your Central Florida Home

If you’re thinking about installing a new screen enclosure for your Central Florida home, there are several factors you should consider. At Ed Aluminum Construction, our team of knowledgeable and experienced contractors can guide you through every step of the process of designing your new outdoor enclosure. Whether you’re installing a screen enclosure for a patio, pool, or deck, our customizable solutions ensure you have the perfect outdoor enclosure to fit your style and space. Once the design process is complete, we’ll begin the installation. We use high-quality materials to ensure a long-lasting product. Learn more about our design options below, and then contact us to get started.

Screen Enclosure Services in Orlando, FL

Screen Weave Dimensions

Choosing the right screen weave dimension is important, depending upon the purpose of your screen enclosure. At Ed Aluminum Construction, we offer several screen weave dimensions for homeowners. Learn more about the types of screen weave dimensions we offer.

  • 18/14 WEAVE – The 18/14 weave is the most commonly used weave dimension and is considered by many to be the standard weave size. It is primarily used in pool and patio screens.
  • 20/20 WEAVE – The 20/20 weave is a tightly woven mesh, mostly made out of fiberglass. It helps in keeping out insects, bugs, and debris. Even though it is woven quite densely, it still allows good ventilation, has excellent visibility and provides substantial privacy and security.


Screen Material

Screen enclosures are of different types and categorized, mostly, by the screen material used to make them. The most commonly used and available screen materials are:

  • FIBERGLASS SCREEN – This screen is made out of fiberglass and is mainly used for pool, patio, deck, and porch enclosures. Fiberglass screens are very durable, flexible, and strong.
  • ALUMINUM SCREEN – Aluminum is another popular screen material. It is very affordable, durable, strong, and easily available. It is a highly sought-after screen material because of its temperature and moisture resistance, strength, and durability. It is also popular because it can withstand harsh weather conditions and not corrode or rust.
  • METAL SCREENS – Another screen material used for enclosures is metal – premium metal, to be precise. These are more expensive than all the other screen materials because of their elegance, strength, and durability. The metals used in these screens include the likes of copper, bronze, stainless steel, and alloys such as monel.

Custom Screen Enclosures Installation in Orlando, FL

Enclosure Roof

Screen enclosures can be designed to have different types of roofs depending on the space and aesthetic you’re trying to achieve for your home. When you choose Ed Aluminum Construction for your screen enclosure, we can help you choose the right roofing type for your space. Our roofing choices include:

  • CATHEDRAL ROOF – Also referred to as the gable roof, this roof has a high ceiling and allows plenty of air and sunlight into the enclosures while making the interior seem spacious.
  • STUDIO ROOF – Studio roofs are natural extensions of the standard roof designs. They can be created to fit any given budget and help make the enclosed area appear more spacious.
  • SCREEN ROOF – These roof designs are mostly used for pool enclosures. They have high frames and are generally slanting so as to allow all the debris and leaves to slide off.

Enclosure Doors

Just like your home’s front door, choosing the right screen enclosure doors can help create an impressive entryway. We offer two types of enclosure doors to fit your desired look and function. Familiarizing yourself with our doors before your installation will help ensure you pick the perfect doors for your enclosure.

  • FRENCH DOORS – French doors have double panels and have one edge of each panel attached with hinges. They have the screen mesh on their surface and allow the air and sunlight to filter through them while still offering privacy and security.
  • SLIDING DOOR SCREEN ENCLOSURE – These doors slide and provide easy access to the enclosed spaces. They are particularly helpful in households with small children since they are easy to
Screen Enclosure Installation Contractors in Orlando, FL

Screen Door Enclosure Experts in Central Florida

Since 2010, homeowners throughout Central Florida and the surrounding area have trusted Ed Aluminum Construction for all their residential screen enclosures. Our licensed and experienced professionals provide thorough design consultation and installation services so that you can feel confident in the final product. We’ve completed over 2,000 projects throughout the area, making us the local leader in screen enclosure construction. Learn more about the benefits of installing a new screen enclosure for your patio, deck, or pool when you contact us today.

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