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When Building a Screen Porch

Building a screen porch can significantly enhance your home’s living space, offering a serene retreat that merges the best of indoor comfort with the beauty of the outdoors. In this article, we’ll discuss the key aspects of screen porch construction, providing comprehensive insights to help you navigate the process with ease, comfort, and confidence.

Understanding Screen Porches

A screen porch, essentially an enclosed deck or patio with screened walls, serves as a barrier against insects and debris while allowing fresh air and natural light to fill the space. It’s an ideal spot for dining, entertaining, or simply relaxing, with the added benefit of extending your home’s usable area.

Consideration When Building a Screen Porch in Orlando, FL

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Pre-Construction Considerations

Before diving into construction, thoughtful planning can make the project run along more smoothly. Think about the following:

  • Location and Exposure – The placement of your screen porch can significantly impact its usability. A porch facing east or west might catch the morning or evening sun, creating a cozy spot for morning coffee or sunset dinners. However, consider the need for shades or blinds to manage heat and glare during peak sun hours.
  • Structural Integrity – The foundation of your screen porch is key to its longevity and safety. Choose materials that can withstand your region’s climate and environmental conditions. For example, pressure-treated wood or composite materials can offer resilience against moisture and decay.
  • Aesthetic Harmony – The design of your screen porch should complement your home’s existing architecture. Pay attention to roof lines, exterior finishes, and color schemes to ensure a smooth transition between your indoor and outdoor spaces.
  • Intended Use of the Space – Reflect on how you plan to use the screen porch. Whether it’s for solitary relaxation, family gatherings, or hosting events, the purpose will influence the required space, desired features, and the layout of entrances.
  • Lighting Preferences – Lighting plays a role in defining the ambiance of your screened porch. Options range from recessed ceiling lights, ceiling fans with lights, or wall-mounted fixtures that contribute decorative elements.
  • Skylights – While screens allow ample natural light, adding skylights can enhance overhead lighting and maintain an open, airy feel, especially in areas shadowed by trees or other foliage.
  • Screens vs. Window Panels – Choose between full-screen panels or window-style screens that offer the flexibility to enclose the space and enjoy it in any weather.
  • Built-In Features – Consider integrating built-ins like seating benches, worktops, or storage solutions. These can add additional functionality to your screened room.

Step-By-Step Guide to Building Your Perfect Screened Space

  • Inspiration – Explore online for design ideas, focusing on materials, screen types, roof designs, and overall aesthetics to define your vision.
  • Accessories – Choose accessories that enhance the functionality and comfort of your space, from ceiling fans and lighting to cozy seating and decorative elements.
  • Screen Material – Select the right screen material based on durability, visibility, and your specific needs, considering options like fiberglass, aluminum, and pet-resistant screens.
  • Permits and Approvals – Make sure your project complies with local building codes and, if applicable, HOA guidelines to avoid future complications.
  • Professional Builders – For a sturdy and well-constructed screened porch, engage experienced builders who are insured and have a solid track record.
  • Landscaping – Plan the surrounding landscape to complement your screen room, keeping in mind the mature size of any plants to maintain desired views.

For residents in Central Florida, our team at ED Aluminum Construction offers specialized services in screening porches. With a focus on quality material and craftsmanship, we’re dedicated to bringing your vision to life. Visit our website to explore our offerings and past projects.


Beginning a screen-porch project is an exciting adventure that promises to enrich your living experience. By considering the outlined steps and factors, you’ll be well-equipped to create a space that not only adds value to your home but also brings joy and comfort to your daily life. Reach out to our team to discuss your project ideas and let us help you transform your outdoor space into the perfect screened-in porch.

At ED Aluminum Construction, we are committed to using only the finest materials and adhering to the highest standards of engineering and installation. This ensures that your enclosure will not only meet but will exceed your expectations. Our dedication to customer satisfaction and our meticulous approach set us apart as a leader in our field. With over a decade of experience, our family-owned and operated business is dedicated to delivering custom-designed solutions tailored to each client’s needs and budget. From free estimates to final follow-ups, our commitment to excellence and communication guarantees a seamless experience. Whether it’s a small addition or a major renovation, our team of experts is ready to guide you through the decision-making process and bring your dream pool enclosure to life.

For more information about the products and services we provide, contact us today via our website or give us a call at 321-340-3512. We look forward to meeting you!